Friday, April 08, 2005

I'm weary

You know when you wake up tired? When all you need is to keep sleeping? That was me this morning. I had a terrible nightmare that Bruna had killed herself while Poliana was telling me her problems and I was playing with baby Sandy and hiding from Wanessa Camargo who wanted to kick my ass. The scenery: a movie theater. Bruna jumped from the stairs and fell breaking all of her bones. By the time I got to the stairs to try to convince her not to jump, she had already done so and a little boy who thought he was superman jumped after her. But he didn't die because when he jumped place wasn't so deep anymore. I woke up when i was screaming and crying. damn.Well, I arrived in my super job and read my horoscope: "Os taurinos vivem seu inferno astral num dia de eclipse solar; isso merece uma retirada das lides do mundo e uma imersão mais corajosa no âmbito espiritual. As imagens que captará dormindo ou na meditação são avisos coletivos. Nada pessoal. Reze, para expurgar. No mais, amor e trabalho em segundo plano." Creepy!
Oh well...going out to drink vodka tonight. Hope my mood gets better!

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